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- Sugar Syrup Preparation Equipment
Sugar Syrup making machine:- Suitable for preparation of sugar syrup using the sugar pulverization method. The sugar is poured into the hopper and is pulverized by high pressure pulverization crusher pump. Water is mixed with the pulverized powder and is transferred to a steam-jacketted tank attached to it. The sugar syrup is heated to attain desired viscosity and brix. Available in capacities 500 Kg/Hr to 5000 Kg/Hr.
Sugar Syrup Filter:- Suitable for purification of sugar syrup for clarified juice using filtration. Available in Sparkler Filter type with the inside shell containing horizontally arranged disc plates holding the filters on a perforated support screens. Also available in Plate & Frame Filter Press model which consists of filter plates held between plates. Capacity available from 500 to 5000 LPH.
Sugar Syrup Cooler:- Suitable to bring down the temperature of the sugar syrup from 100C to ambient temperature to enable long time storage to avoid crystallization. It can be connected to cooling tower and chiller for heat transfer. Available in capacities from 500 to 5000 LPH.