Suitable for crushing hard seedless fruits & vegetables such as pineapple, apple, tomato, carrots etc before pulping or juice extraction.

Available in various capacities / models:

C-114200-300 kg/hr1 HP
C-115500-700 kg/hr2 HP
C-1171000 Kg/hr5HP

Suitable to crush seedless fruits & vegetables before pulping or juice extraction. Fitted with swing type hammer which ensures even granulating of crushed material.
Available in following models / capacities

C 1181 T/hr3/5 HP
C 1191.5-2 T/hr7.5 HP
Suitable to deseed or deskin and extract pulp from fruits & vegetables like mango, litchi and tomato. It consists of two stages of pulping. First stage is for deseeding or deskinning. The pulp extracted from first stage goes into the second stage for refining. All contact parts are made of SS with optional frame/covers in MS or SS. Available in following models / capacities:
Model Capacity Power
P2-120 1 T/hr 7.5 HP
P2-123 2 T/hr 12.5 HP

Suitable for extraction of pulp from fruits or vegetables like mango, litchi, guava, tomato, carrot, and apples.
Available in following models /capacities in MS/SS frame:

P-10880-100 kg/hr0.5 HP
P-111300-500 kg/hr1 HP
P-114500-1000 kg/hr3 HP
P-1171500-2000 kg/hr5/7.5 HP

Suitable to wash hard fruits & vegetables. The product is fed into a rotary drum and is sprayed with high pressure jet spray from top. The rotary drum motion ensures tumbling of products thus washing them thr(For fresh paste extraction) Suitable to make paste by pulverising hard fruits and vegetables like ginger, garlic, onion, carrots and tomato etc.
Whole or cut pieces are fed into the hopper which pulverises and grinds the same. Specially designed
pulverising head with removable sieve ensures adaptability to different fruits and vegetables.
Available in:
1/3 stage pulveriser model.
Single Stage pulveriser: For coarse pulverisation of
Fruits & Vegetables like carrots/ tomato / ginger etc.
3-stage pulveriser: Suitable for fine pulverisation of fruit/vegetable into fine paste. Fitted with unique
designed 3-stage pulveriser head and water jacketed head for fine paste like ginger/garlic/onion paste under low temperature.
Available from 100-1000 Kg/hr capacity models.oughly.

Suitable for continuous extraction of juices from fruits like pineapple, orange, apple and kiwi etc. Unique spiral design of the machine ensures high yield juice recovery without making it bitter. Available in 200, 500, 1000 kg/hr capacity models with MS/SS frame options.

Suitable to extract juice from hard crushed fruits and vegetables like pineapple/apple/ginger/amla etc. in batch process. The crushed fruits are wrapped and stacked between wooden crates and then pressed using hydraulic pressure to yield maximum juice.
Available in 200, 500 and1000 kg/hr input capacity models.