Inspection-Preparation-Cutting Conveyor For feeding, inspection, preparation or cutting of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Available from 100 to 2000 kg/hr feed capacities.

Two-Tier Inspection / Cutting Conveyor 
For feeding, inspection, preparation and cutting of fresh fruits or vegetables. Available from 100 to 2000 kg/hr feed capacities.

For removal of excess moisture from surface
of washed whole/cut fruits and vegetable before further processing.
Available from 100-2000 kg/hr capacities

Suitable to peel / clean wash various root vegetables like carrot, potato, raddish, turnip and ginger etc. The machine is equipped with 5 to 9 rotating soft and hard brushes which throughly clean the vegetables while simultaneously peeling it while the jet water spray cleans and washes it. Available in following models:  
Model Capacity No. of rollers Power
RPW 200 100-200 kg/hr 0.7 m x 5 nos. 1 HP
RPW 500 400-500 kg/hr 1m x 7 nos. 2 HP
RPW 1000 750-1000 kg/hr 1.5m x9 nos. 3HP

Designed for washing and cleaning multiple fruits / vegetables generally required for pulp, juice extraction like mangoes, litchi, tomato, apple, peach and vegetables. The washer thoroughly washes the product using strong water agitation which tumble washes while it is carried up to the outfeed conveyor. The fruit or vegetable which gets picked up on the inclined conveyor are subjected to secondary fresh water spray and are collected at the end of the conveyor.
Available in following models:

MFW 200100-200 kg/hr3 HP
MFW 500300-500 kg/hr5 HP
MFW 1000750-1000 kg/hr7.5HP
MFW 20001500-2000 kg/hr10HP

Suitable to wash hard fruits & vegetables. The product is fed into a rotary drum and is sprayed with high pressure jet spray from top. The rotary drum motion ensures tumbling of products thus washing them throughly.
Available in 500-2000 kg/hr capacities .

Suitable to wash leafy vegetables and other light weight fruits & Vegetables that may float while washing. Available from 200-2000 kg/hr capacities