Cell cycle-related kinase reprograms the liver immune microenvironment to promote cancer metastasis | Cellular & Molecular Immunology
Cell cycle-related kinase reprograms the liver immune microenvironment to promote cancer metastasis | Cellular & Molecular Immunology,Phosphorylation determines the glucose metabolism reprogramming and tumor-promoting activity of sine oculis homeobox 1 | Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy,Aberrant NOVA1 function disrupts alternative splicing in early stages of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | Acta Neuropathologica,Loss of LUC7L2 and U1 snRNP subunits shifts energy metabolism from glycolysis to OXPHOS: Molecular Cell,Systematic Dissection of the Metabolic-Apoptotic Interface in AML Reveals Heme Biosynthesis to Be a Regulator of Drug Sensitivity - ScienceDirect